We purchased Flop Agrochyt PP from well known Czech breeder Vladamir Chytka as we knew he was out of one of his best most consistant breeding females and the sire was also breeding well. He is homozygous polled allowing us to progress with our polling program but also has some very good horned bloodlines in his pedigree blending the best of both.
Flop has surpassed our expectations so far, with small, lively, easily born calves which quickly fill out and grow into excellent animals.
We are delighted with his calves as they reach a year old as he seems to match with females from a variety of sires.
As they mature we will add more pictures of both him and his progeny
Flop has surpassed our expectations so far, with small, lively, easily born calves which quickly fill out and grow into excellent animals.
We are delighted with his calves as they reach a year old as he seems to match with females from a variety of sires.
As they mature we will add more pictures of both him and his progeny
Some of the first progeny from Flop PP